
Weekly Horoscope: What does it have in store for you from March 31st to April 6th, 2024?

Starting from April 1st, expect some disruptions in your interactions. Mercury, the planet associated with communication, will begin its retrograde phase, particularly affecting the 3rd decan of your sign.

It is advised not to exhaust your resources by trying to reach out to those who do not respond to your messages. Patience, the situation should normalize around April 25th.

Aries from March 21 to April 20

From April 1st, you may encounter communication difficulties. This is due to Mercury entering retrograde in the third decan of your sign.

My advice: Avoid wasting your energy trying to contact those who do not respond to you. The situation should improve around April 25th.

Taurus from April 21 to May 21

In the coming days, your determination will be tested. With regards to your goals, diligence will be your most faithful ally. Stay focused: your time and energy investments will pay off.

My advice: For those in the 3rd decan, a relationship filled with affection and romance seems to be predominant. It is time to acknowledge and fully embrace your emotions.

Gemini from May 22 to June 21

You may feel torn between the desire to take action and the need to mature your thoughts. Acting impulsively could work against your interests, especially if you were born in the 2nd decan.

My advice: Building sustainable projects requires patience and method. Before diving headfirst, make sure you have firmly laid each stone in the foundation of your ambitions.

Cancer from June 22 to July 22

Love may knock on your door with someone whose depth of culture and knowledge captivates you, especially for those born in the third decan. However, it is wise to keep your feet on the ground in the face of this crush.

My advice: If you are waiting for news regarding a professional opportunity, a possible promotion, or an investment project, have patience. The answers you are hoping for should arrive after April 25th.

Leo from July 23 to August 23

During the first part of April, you will find a favorable ground for organizing your affairs. Whether it’s gathering important documents or advancing in your administrative obligations, this period invites you to rigor and perseverance. Even if progress may seem slow, the expected results deserve your commitment.

My advice: Increase social interactions after April 5th. The horizon looks promising for enriching exchanges. Opportunities to forge new connections with people will arise, opening the door to potential friendships or collaborations.

Virgo from August 24 to September 22

Astral influences of the week suggest a dual movement. On one hand, they urge you to focus, on the other hand, they require you to methodically organize your initiatives. Avoid scattering your energy.

My advice: Sharpen your critical sense in your social and professional interactions, especially if you celebrate your birthday late in the season. A detailed analysis of situations will prove beneficial in your exchanges, whether they involve intimate spheres or work-related matters.

Libra from September 23 to October 22

The days ahead will be busy, with a fast-paced rhythm that tests your ability to meet deadlines. The atmosphere may seem heavy, but your dedication remains strong.

My advice: Take a moment to breathe, especially for those born in the 2nd decan. Short but regular breaks are essential to maintain your efficiency. They will help you recharge your batteries and approach your responsibilities with a clearer mind.

Scorpio from October 23 to November 22

Your perseverance is legendary, and it is one of the qualities that characterize you the most. Once you have a goal in sight, it is rare for you to let it slip away.

My advice: Temper your expectations in your relationships, especially for those in the 3rd decan. Demanding too much from your loved ones could lead to unnecessary disappointments.

Sagittarius from November 23 to December 21

You may feel a certain constraint on your freedom of action, especially if you were born around December 7th. It seems that current circumstances invite you to moderate your usually fast-paced rhythm.

My advice: Before reconnecting with someone from your past, take a moment to reflect. Weigh the reasons that motivated your distance at the time and question their validity today.

Capricorn from December 22 to January 20

A setback is possible if you are planning a trip, especially for those in the 2nd decan. Prepare for delays or unforeseen events that could lengthen your travel time. Mechanical complications with your vehicle are not to be excluded.

My advice: Interactions with a young family member, such as a teenager, or with a brother or sister could prove more complicated. Make every effort to keep the lines of communication open.

Aquarius from January 21 to February 18

During this period, Mercury retrograde could slow down your exchanges and discussions. Expect some conversations to extend longer than expected.

My advice: Pay attention to your physical well-being. If you feel any pain, do not hesitate to consult a health professional, especially if your birthday falls in the 2nd decan.

Pisces from February 19 to March 20

Fatigue may be felt, especially for those born around March 5th. It is better to take moments of rest rather than persist in acting at all costs.

My advice: Be wary of your natural tendency to embellish reality, especially if you are in the 3rd decan. Your vivid imagination could deceive you by idealizing situations or individuals.

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