Health and Wellness

Flat Stomach: How many pounds to lose? Don’t worry, it’s much less than you think!

Losing weight? You may be aiming too high! A number that will turn into a myth when you discover that a modest goal is often the key.

You can forget about drastic diets and say hello to well-being and beauty.

Because here, we’re going to be real about the weight that suits you. And if you thought you had to lose a lot… get ready for a nice surprise.

Let’s aim right, without excess!

What are realistic weight loss goals?

For a healthy goal, aim to lose 5 to 10% of your weight. This can improve your health without overworking yourself.

Use a tool like the BMI for a first idea. But remember, the BMI is not perfect.

Why can weight loss goals be overestimated?

Often, people want to lose more than necessary. There is a mistaken belief that you have to be very thin to be fit.

In reality, losing a few pounds can already help.

What is the common misconception about weight loss?

It is often believed that the more you lose, the better. However, an overestimated diet can do more harm.

A misconception can lead to unhealthy goals.

Why is BMI not the best indicator for setting a weight goal?

BMI does not show where the fat is in your body. It does not account for your muscles.

Muscles weigh more than fat. So, muscular people may have a high BMI but little fat.

Your age, gender, and ethnicity can change what BMI says about your body. It is not accurate for everyone.

What is the accuracy of BMI in determining ideal weight?

BMI is not accurate for everyone. It does not see fat and muscles in the same way.

Or how they are distributed on you.

Look at your own health. Think about how you feel when you wake up, move around.

Is it easy or not? Also, see how your clothes fit you. This can help set a goal that works for you.

Don’t just rely on weight. Think about your overall health. Exercising and eating healthily are key.

Losing a little weight can already help your health. It’s not just the number on the scale that matters. It’s how you feel and how you live every day.

What are the benefits of moderate and sustainable weight loss?

Losing 5 to 10% of our body weight improves our health.

This reduces the risks of diseases, blood pressure, and pain. Healthy weight loss strengthens our well-being in the long term.

Why is healthy weight loss better for long-term well-being?

Losing excess weight should be done without harming our health. Sustainable weight loss prevents us from quickly regaining lost weight.

It also helps us maintain good physical and mental fitness.

Eating well is key to healthy weight loss. Nutritious foods help our bodies function better.

They support us in our weight loss process.

What are the recommended healthy weight loss methods?

Fad diets are not long-term solutions. It is better to adopt healthy habits over time.

This includes a balanced diet and regular exercise.


  • Aim to lose 5 to 10% of your weight for a healthy weight loss goal.
  • BMI is an imperfect tool because it does not differentiate between fat and muscles and varies with age, gender, and ethnicity.
  • To set a realistic goal, focus on your personal health and well-being rather than just weight alone.
  • Moderately losing weight improves health, reduces the risks of diseases, blood pressure, and pain.
  • A balanced diet and regular exercise are essential for healthy and sustainable weight loss.

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